Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Things are going really well here at the farm recently. Yesterday, three horses got adopted! Link, Flower, and Mo all went to new homes around Ohio. Victoria and Tracy delivered all of them this morning (to Amesville and Johnstown), and they will be coming back this afternoon with a donkey that I'm told is pretty impressive from Pickerington, OH. There are still only 6 babies, two of them 'graduated' from the foal barn and are now in the bottom barn- like real grown-up horses! That leaves four in the foal barn and needless to say, that makes it a TON easier to clean every day. Even though we only have a few foals, we are still in dire need of clean, dry shavings. It doesn't matter what kind (just NO walnut, it's toxic!), and even if you can't donate any, letting us know when you find a good deal on bagged (or bulk) shavings would also be a great help. Also, tis the season for hay, so if you hay farmers out there have any extra... feel free to give us a call!

That's pretty much all for today, I'll keep you posted on all the exciting things that happen around here... or you could come and hang out and be a part of them yourself!

The horses are calling. See you later!


1 comment:

MACPhD said...

Hi, I was wondering why the spotted draft cross you mentioned isn't among the baby pictures you posted today? I have one at home a she's great a horse. Mary C.